Sunday, February 26, 2012


A jury found George Huguely, 24, guilty of second-degree murder and grand larceny in the May 2010 death of Yeardley Love.  However, the recommendation for his sentencing is 26 years!
I was watching CNN when the verdict came in, and it was a complete shock to me that the jury only recommend that he get 26 years. Yeardley Love's mother read a letter to the jury and to the defendant George Huguely that was completely heartbreaking and honest. The letter said that this young girl who had so much potential in this world, such a big kind heart, who wanted to help people, who wanted to go to New York City when she graduated, was taken away from them. To end the letter, Love's mother said "Every year that goes by, I'm afraid I'm forgetting a little piece of her,". And now here is this man who committed such a horrid crime, could be out on the streets again by the time he is 50! Where is the justice?
After reading his emails and how he threatened his ex girlfriend, and accused her of cheating on him with a team mate from a competing team, now this young girl will never grow up, never have a family, never have her dreams come true. 
I don't understand the justice system some times.

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